Plarox System

Plarox System

Sparx (plasma jet) plasma device

Plasma is a the pseudo-neutral gas from Charged particles that offers collective behavior. In other words, it can be said that the term plasma is called ionized gas, in which all or a significant portion of its atoms has lost one or more electrons and has become positive ions. Or a highly ionized gas whose free electrons are approximately equal to the number of positive ions it is called plasma.

The airborne Plarox in the GAP space (a distinct gap between the handpiece needles and the tissue to be treated) makes ionization and produces microplasma and sublimation.

In this method, are not used from the blade and the cut , and in fact the skin or fat is not removed, but by using the plasma, the surface layer of the sublimation of the skin (directly from the solid into gas), which causes the layers of the skin to accumulate.


Spark Plast (Plasma Jet)

The plasma device, via ionizing the gas between the applicator and the skin, creates an electron flux and the effect on the membrane of the skin causes the cells to stimulate and improve the tissue. Spark Plasma (Plasma Jet) is powered by the latest technology in the day to perform blepharoplasty (Removing skin wrinkles). Acne and scar removal has been introduced. This device is suitable as well as lightweight so that it completely eliminates dull eyelids without any complications and surgery. The most important feature of this device is its high power to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes without any problem or effect. Is added

Plasma Spark Performance (Jet Plasma)

In order to perform drooping of eyelid, is no need to surgery and removing stitches. This treatment is performed by spark plasma without any complications and requires surgery or cutting and local anesthetic with the least improvement time.
  1. Elimination of various types of wrinkles in different places, such as the wrinkles around the forehead, wrinkles and eyelid drooping, wrinkles below and below the eyes, upper and lower lip wrinkles, and even a laugh line.
  2. Removing and removing scars is always a difficult task, but the plasma device makes it possible with this device to scar, acne, or other dermatological complications.
  3. Dipping or removing a variety of skin warts
  4. The surgery of blepharoplasty that is the most well-known surgery via this device. With this device no longer needs surgery. Spark plasma Plasma (plasma jet) works on the blepharoplasty mode by creating alternate dots on the eyelid droop, creating hollow points on the skin, which causes these points to scarcely They become fully recovered after 3 to 7 days. Some people complete a full session of treatment and require 2-3 sessions for complete treatment. Read Spark Plasma Paper and its Application for Rejuvenation
  5. Removing skin wrinkles – Blepharoplasty
  6. Fixing Acne
  7. Fixing the Oscars
  8. Removal of forehead wrinkles
  9. Fix the laugh line
  10. Eliminate skin zygotes
  11. Removing various types of nail from the surface of the skin
  12. Removal of wrinkles around the lips

Fixing all kinds of wrinkles and lines of laughter

Wrinkles, lines of laughter and claw knuckles are very common in people of high ages. You may have as many hairdressers and cosmetologists as you can. Therefore, plasma should be considered as a very practical option. Between your clinic and your office. Always keep in mind there are several ways to treat wrinkles, but maybe your doctor’s experience has shown that most of these methods are not suitable for people of high ages, but plasma is a treatment method Safe and safe for all kinds of wrinkles is a laugh line.

Removing various types of freckle

Perhaps one of the biggest concerns of hairdressers and beauty practitioners is to do a scratch without any stitching or stitching effect. So, take this part more excitely and keep in mind. With your plasma device you can in the shortest time and without any Get rid of your sick person. The Plasma Series with its various series has provided you with an easy and painless scan for you, but as a physician or operator, you need to learn how to work with different types of plasma devices, so you can do without the slightest pain or effect on Do your skin on your own.

Fixing all types of stain-freckle

freckle or skin spots are usually created on white and thin skin. Sometimes these patches may be caused by sunburn, or in some cases related to other liver problems. Therefore, the examination of skin spots should cover all aspects. Treatments Consider that plasma is one of the best treatments for treating skin lesions and fleas without any complications. As you’ve seen, Plasma is a completely effective treatment for most skin problems.

Technical Specifications of Spark Plasma (Plasma Jet)

Plarox Plasma
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